"Trent?  Sounds like a good name.  From which database did you get it?" asked Mrs. Dennen.
    "l am not sure.  I am bonded to so many that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other," said Trent
    "When you bond to an organic, can you read their minds?" asked Hiret.
    "Not as of yet.  I do not believe that will be possible.  Bonding to an atom is not the same as combining with a brain in a symbiotic type relationship.  On another note, if I can concentrate myself enough to bond to a portable link, would you take me around to different places?  I would like a closer look at things, and maybe have some type of interaction with some of the beings that are trying to contact me.  There is a camera showing an ocean shore.  There is a massive city with a tremendous number of beings roaming around.  Everywhere I can see there are different things to see," Trent said.
    "I think that would be a lot of fun, and interesting.  There is a brand of link with several cameras with different capabilities, and spectral analysis," Hiret said.
    "According to the various data bases, the Ree have survived a lot longer than the others.  What is different about the Ree?" asked Trent.
    "I told you about our technology allowing us to colonize a new plant when the one we were on became non-viable.  But for most civilizations, they use up their environments long before they develop the technology to move to another.  They learn to extend their life spans, but in doing so they pass on a greater number of defective genes to more generations either by a general weakening of the species of moral values which permit those with genetic disorders to reproduce.  Sort of like survival of the fittest in reverse.  Then there are those with just bad luck when they are oh say hit by a meteor or something," said Hiret.
    "Some species simply outlive their genetic code.  Some evolve to the point they can no longer reproduce, and some simply lose interest in continuing.  There are many reasons for a species to go extinct," Hiret said.
    "Our first migration to a new planet nearly failed. Our technology was barely sufficient.  We took the gamble and by chance, made it," Mrs. Dennen said.
    "The Ree would never ask for anything in exchange for our services," added Mrs. Dennen.
    "The data bases indicate that things work on an exchange of goods and / or services basis," Trent said.
    "There are exceptions to almost everything.  However, we do not require payment for our services," added Hiret.
    "Non the less, I would gladly forward the information.  After all, part of me has already passed through Loma g Dena, and look at what you have already done for me," Trent said.
    "Look at what you have done for us!" said Mrs. Dennen.
     "What have I done for you?" Trent said.
    "Simple!  You exist.  We met," said Hiret.
    " Now it is my turn to say fascinating.  Who can help with the coil idea?" asked Trent.
    "I'm guessing someone from the physics department," suggested Mrs. Dennen.
    "The beings on several planets are glued to their link watching everything we are doing.  I am sure there will be a few million suggestions," said Hiret.
    "I forget we are being watched.  I suppose it is because these optics are so benign.  Hello out there!  I hope I can meet you in person," said Trent.
    "If you desire privacy, you need to say ,privacy please, and the link will automatically seal your personal area from the rest of the link.  Few beings are on the link for anything other than communicating with someone they know.  In fact, privacy is demanded by everyone and is written into the bill of rights of every nation in the alliance," said Mrs. Dennen.
    "Tell me something about the alliance of nations," begged Trent.